Chitra Sukhu

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Upcoming LIVE Online Training 

In partnership with Integral Yoga NYC. In this course, Yoga Nidra Training, students will learn the fundamentals of Yoga Nidra and how to share this healing, powerful practice with others. 

Upon completing this deep immersion in Yoga Nidra studies and practice, students can offer this service to their students and the community. Chitra Sukhu is certified with Yoga Alliance and upon completion of this course, you may apply to receive Continuing Education Credits from Yoga Alliance

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I honor and speak to your essential nature, that which always understands Truth.

The Vedic Mystery School is here to demystify the deep, ancient, esoteric teachings of the great Rishis and Yogis.

The Eternal Truths are always there, in every time, in every space, always there, waiting to be perceived. Once seen it cannot be unseen, and from then on, your presence will be for the upliftment of All.

This is the Ultimate Purpose of All beings and what you're unknowingly and continually searching for.

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Stephanie Tupper

I loved every minute of Yoga Nidra level 1 training. Chitra's understanding of energy and energetic effects are woven entirely through this training. Not only do I have an understanding now of how to offer Yoga Nidra, but my overall understanding of aspects of Yoga philosophy has increased exponentially. This is highly valuable training - Chitra keeps her classes small, and we were able to explore and have answered any questions that came up. I highly recommend this course, and look forward to more training with Chitra.

Susan Swan

I just completed Yoga Nidra / Awak{end} Sleep training with Chitra. I have come home bursting with ideas and full of confidence about how I can put this vital knowledge out there. Chitra's understanding is vast and she has explained things to me that now make total sense after years of searching. I have already delivered a 20 minute Yoga Nidra at the end of my Hatha class on two occasions. I am now planning a two hour workshop in Edinburgh. I feel the training really equipped me with everything I need to get straight into teaching and sharing, with none of the usual self-doubts. Wonderful Chitra, thanks so much.






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Apr 03, 2023

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Understanding Yoga Nidra and its Benefits


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